Monday, November 23, 2009


Thanksgiving is upon us, the holiday season is here. This day and Christmas are the two big family days of the year. Time to get together, share the joy of the season, and give thanks for all the wonderful things that have come our way. It does not matter if you treat them as secular or religious holidays; they still the two biggies on the list of days to celebrate.

Thanksgiving Day; parades, dinner, Football on T.V., and calling friends to wish them a wonderful day. The smell of turkey cooking in the oven and freshly baked pie cooling in the kitchen. The laughter of children playing, the buzz of voices as everyone seems to talk at once, and the joy of catching up with people we have not seen since last year.

May your day be full of excitement and love, may you have way to much to eat, and may you be truly thankful; for all the good things in your life.

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