Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our Fellow Man

There was a song in the sixties that had a verse that went like this. “The whole world is festering with unhappy souls, the French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Polls. The Polls hate the Yugoslavs, the Yugoslavs hate the Dutch, and I don’t like anyone very much.”

Watch the news, cruse the internet, listen to your fellow man and you will see that our world is driven by prejudice. Don’t say you aren’t because down deep we all feel threatened by people who move into our life, turning it on its ear by being different. They don’t speak our language, they don’t dress like we do, they have different customs and beliefs then we are used to. In short they make us feel uneasy and afraid. They have no right to be the way they are, they need to change and become more like us.

Our world is fueled by feelings of distrust that shape our government, our social life, and the way we interact with our fellow man. Through out history these feelings have lead to laws aimed at forcing “those people” to conform to our way of life. What we fail to remember is that one time we were the ones who were different. Somewhere in our past there were people who spoke the wrong language, wore the wrong clothes, and acted different.

We each think of ourselves as enlightened and able to except people as they are, the truth is we can only do this when they are trying to be like us. When they are being their self we become the one who is different and that is the one thing we will never be able to deal with.

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