Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cabin Fever

It’s February, it’s cold, and I’m tired of all the snow in the yard. In short I’m suffering from cabin fever. I can’t get out and get away, so the only thing to do is get away in my mind. Mentally I need to hop in the car and drive to someplace sunny and warm.  The Golf Coast, California, or one of the south east states like Georgia or the Carolinas.

I’m a Michigan boy born and bred so what might seem cold to some is sunny and warm to me.  When the temperature is below zero, sixty is a heat wave. We have friends who winter in South Carolina so I guess I will head there.

We could run over to Charleston to walk on the beach, see Fort Sumter, and drive down Rainbow Row. Go see the restoration work on the confederate submarine Huntley, visit a plantation or two, and just spend time with are friends. I feel warmer just thinking about it.

Spring will be here in a month or two, the trees will leaf out, and the landscape will turn green again. When that happens I’ll ride my bike on the trail near here, take some photos, and enjoy the warmth of the sunshine. Till then I’ll just have to be satisfied with day dreams.

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