Monday, November 10, 2008

Be Proactive With Your Health.

Two sure things in this world, getting older and having problems with your health. It is happens to all of us. Our warranty starts to run out and things go wrong.
The best advice for this is to be proactive. It's the only body you will have and you need to take care of it.
When things don't seem right you need to find out why.

Do a little research, talk to your doctor,and take control of your health. A little on line research at places like Web MD can help you find out what might be wrong, Tell the doctor how you feel, they ain't mind readers, and see what it could mean. Now do something about it. It's up to you, no one else is going to even know there is anything wrong until it is to late.

Yes, do something; just be careful what you do. Make sure your actions are based on good information and sound judgment. Don't go off half cocked,even the seemingly safest things might cause trouble.
It is true that there are "natural" remedies out there, but just because it is natural doesn't make it safe. Most of the drugs prescribed today came from natural sources. Remember they can react with other things you might be taking.
Use them as directed. If taking one pill is good for you, it does not mean that two will do a better job. Overdosing yourself and mixing medications is not only a bad idea, it can be fatal. Over the counter pain killers can cause kidney or liver failure if you abuse them, some safe medications can keep other things from doing what they were meant to do, and if your doctor doesn't know you are taking things over the counter how can they treat you effectively?

Remember if fell something is not right, do something about it. It's better to be wrong than to find out to late that something could have been about it.

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