Friday, December 11, 2009

To Smoke Or Not to Smoke

To all my friends who smoke I would like to extend my condolences. The world just got a little smaller, now you can’t go out to dinner or the corner bar if you want to smoke while you’re out. With a few exceptions you have to go out in the cold cruel world outdoors to comment the slow suicide you enjoy so much. I feel your pain and frustration at not being able to inflect the odder of your habit on those of us who just want have a nice dinner out or share a drink with our friends without choking on the gray cloud of your addiction.

There are those of us who do not wish to smell the stench or breathe the second hand smoke that results from wrapping a leaf in paper, putting that in your mouth, and setting fire to it. The world will not end nor will the economy of our state be destroyed by the act of banning smoking in your favorite bar or restaurant. Indeed you may find that the experience of dinning out may actually be improved by being able to savor the smell as well as the taste of the dinner you are eating.

I am sorry that you might feel that your rights are being crushed by the cold hard heal of the government. No one has said you can’t smoke, only that you can’t do it where it will infringe on the rights of others to live in a smoke free world. We set limits’ on where and when we can drink in public, why should we not do the same with smoking.

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