Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Good Old Days

There seems to be a lot of things being written lately about the baby boomers, In particular those of us born in the fifties. As we get older, it is natural to look back at the good old days when life was simpler.

Things cost less, but we made less. Our folks were lucky to earn two dollars an hour. Most of the clothes we wore were either hand me downs from older siblings and cousins, or mom made them. Lots of the things we had as kids came from the Dime Store. Where you could get everything from toys and candy to new sneakers. We had a TV, but it was in black and white and only got three channels. The phone was rented from the phone company and you had to share it with other families on the party line. That phone had to stay in one place, no making a call from where ever you were.

How did we ever get along without cell phones, computers, and cable TV? What did our folks do with out credit cards and debit cards? How did we ever live without I-Pods, CD players, and DVDs? What about microwave ovens to reheat our take out food?

Good old days? How did we ever survive?

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