Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to Vote

I am going to go vote today. I sometimes wonder if it does any good, but still its a privilege and I want to take advantage of it. Yes a privilege and one that not everyone in this world gets to use. We are blessed by the fact that we live in a nation that believes that we all should have a say in how our government is run.

So at election time we get to decide who will represent us . That person may not do what we thought they would, but we can always vote for someone else next time. After all that's how the system works.

So I will go over to the township hall, stand in line, and when it is my turn I will step inside the voting both and exercise my privilege. Hopefully my candidate will win. Still if he does not I will have done my part to participate in the system that has made this country as great as it is. What ever happens, tomorrow will still come and life will go on.

If you can vote and don't you have hurt not just yourself, but you have made this county weaker by not taking part in the one thing that makes it so great. The right to vote has not always belonged to everyone. It is something that has been fought for and defended by all those who came before us,and we should not take it for granted. It is our privilege and we must take advantage of it.

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